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Version: 3.0.0


this topic describes how to use midway to access alibaba cloud TableStore.

Related information:

Can be used for standard projects
Can be used for Serverless
Can be used for integration
Contains independent main framework
Contains independent logs

Installation dependency

$ npm i @midwayjs/tablestore@3 --save

Or reinstall the following dependencies in package.json.

"dependencies": {
"@midwayjs/tablestore": "^3.0.0",
// ...
"devDependencies": {
// ...

Introducing components

First, introduce components and import them in configuration.ts:

import { Configuration } from '@midwayjs/core';
import * as tablestore from '@midwayjs/tablestore';
import { join } from 'path'

imports: [
tablestore // Import tablestore Components
importConfigs: [
join(__dirname, 'config')
export class MainConfiguration {


For example:

Single-client configuration

// src/config/config.default
export default {
// ...
tableStore: {
client: {
accessKeyId: '<your access key id>',
secretAccessKey: '<your access key secret>',
stsToken: '<your stsToken>', /*When you use the STS authorization, you need to fill in. ref: */
endpoint: '<your endpoint>',
instancename: '<your instance name>'

Multiple client configuration, need to configure multiple

// src/config/config.default
export default {
// ...
tableStore: {
clients: {
db1: {
accessKeyId: '<your access key id>',
secretAccessKey: '<your access key secret>',
stsToken: '<your stsToken>', /*When you use the STS authorization, you need to fill in. ref: */
endpoint: '<your endpoint>',
instancename: '<your instance name>'
db2: {
accessKeyId: '<your access key id>',
secretAccessKey: '<your access key secret>',
stsToken: '<your stsToken>', /*When you use the STS authorization, you need to fill in. ref: */
endpoint: '<your endpoint>',
instancename: '<your instance name>'

For more parameters, please refer to the aliyun tablestore sdk document.

Use TableStore service

We can inject it into any code.

import { Provide, Controller, Inject, Get } from '@midwayjs/core';
import { TableStoreService } from '@midwayjs/tablestore';

export class UserService {

tableStoreService: TableStoreService;

async invoke() {
await this.tableStoreService.putRow(params);

Different instances can be obtained using TableStoreServiceFactory.

import { TableStoreServiceFactory } from '@midwayjs/tablestore';
import { join } from 'path';

export class UserService {

tableStoreServiceFactory: TableStoreServiceFactory;

async save() {
const db1 = await this.tableStoreServiceFactory.get('db1');
const db2 = await this.tableStoreServiceFactory.get('db2');



Example: getRow

import { join } from 'path';
import {
} from '@midwayjs/tablestore';

export class UserService {

tableStoreService: TableStoreService;

async getInfo() {

const data = await tableStoreService.getRow({
tableName: "sampleTable ",
primaryKey: [{ 'gid': Long.fromNumber(20013) }, { 'uid': Long.fromNumber(20013) }]
columnFilter: condition



As shown in the example, the types exported in the original tablestore package should have been proxied and taken over by @midwayjs/tablestore. For more specific method parameters, see the example.